Thursday, 12 February 2015


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BT0074, OOPS with JAVA

1 What are the keywords that java supports? Describe the data types available in java programming language.
2 Describe the syntax and working of if-else with an example. Also write a program in java that assigns a grade based on the value of a test score: an A for a score of 90% or above, a B for a score of 80% or above, and so on.
3 Describe with the help of an example the implementation of inheritance in java.
4 Describe the catch and finally block statement in java with examples.
5 Draw and Explain the Life cycle of a java applet with an example.
6 Define java beans and beanbox. Describe the advantages of java beanbox.

BT0075, RDBMS and MySQL

1 Explain the blob, text and enum data types.
2 How to alter databases and tables? Explain with the help of examples.
3 Explain update and replace statements with examples.
4 Explain the date and time functions in detail.
5 Define grant tables. Describe the steps to set up MySQL user accounts. Also explain the method to assign passwords to the anonymous accounts.
6 Briefly describe the error log and general query log.

BT0076, TCP/IP

1 Define frame relay. Describe its format with diagram.
2 Define ports and explain the two types of ports.
3 Write note on:
1. The Hierarchical Namespace
2. Fully Qualified Domain Names (FQDNs)
4 Define Telnet and explain its operation.
5 Define and explain Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP4). Describe Fundamental IMAP4 Electronic Mail Models.
6 Give an overview of HTTP operation.

BT0077, Multimedia Systems

1 Explain the following color models
1. HSB model
2. RGB model
3. CMYK model
4. L*a*b model
2 Describe in brief the following
1. Calligraphy
2. Text in multimedia application
3 Describe the following file formats:
1. Photoshop Format
2. Photoshop EPS
3. EPS TIFF or EPS PICT Preview
4. PCX

BT0078, Website Design

1 Draw and explain the diagram of website development life cycle.
2 Describe the following in context of validating XML documents with DTDs
1. Concept of data validation
2. Writing document type definition (DTD) files
3. Internal and external DTDs
4. Validating parsers
3 Define XSL-FO.
Explain the following:
1. Purpose of XSL Formatting Objects (XSL-FO)
2. XSL-FO Documents and XSL-FO Processors


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