Thursday, 12 February 2015


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1 Explain the concept of “software project life cycle” with a suitable example.
Explaining software project life cycle
2 Describe the different software estimation techniques and models used for estimating a software project.
Explaining atleast 5 techniques
3 Describe in detail the software reliability metrics and its types
Explaining software metrics
Explaining software reliability models
4 Briefly note on design fundamentals and explain the principles of design
Design fundamentals
Principles of design
5 Explain the different types of integration testing
At least 5 types of integration testing
6 Briefly explain the SQA plan.
Explaining software quality assurance plan


1 The data is stored in the form of tables which can be retrieved efficiently by any program as per the request. Since the database users are vast in number, the database provides authentication. Explain the different types of database users.
Listing alteast 4 different database users
Explaining them
2 Computer storage is divided into primary memory and secondary memory. Discuss with an example, the different types of primary memory and secondary memory.
Listing the types of primary memory
Listing the types of secondary memory
Describing the types of primary memory
Describing the types of secondary memory
3 Consider any one example of a relational database and show how the different operations of relational algebra can be performed on the table showing the output.
Listing the types and its subtypes
Explaining with an example
4 Describe the different normal forms with one example throughout.
Listing the 5 important normal forms
Definitions for each of them
Explanation for each of them using one example throughout
5 Write Short Notes on
a. Transaction Commit
b. Atomicity
c. Deferred update
d. Security
e. System log
6 With an example explain the working of ODBMS.
Explaining with an example


1 Explain the working of Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection (CSMA/CD) Protocol.
Working of CSMA/CD in a Flowchart
Explaining the working in detail
2 Differentiate between seven layered OSI reference model and four layered OSI reference model.
Define seven layered and four layered reference model
Atleast 4 differences between each of them
3 Write short notes on
a. Subnet
b. Super netting
c. Subnet masks
d. Dynamic NAT
e. Domain Name System
4 What is DWDM? What are the pros and cons of DWDM
Four pros of DWDM
Four cons of DWDM
5 Briefly explain the networking applications in government sector
Listing the objectives
About networking applications – understanding the networking for government sector and listing the websites and portals and explaining for them
6 Explore the different models in cloud environment and their examples
Introducing Infrastructure as a Service
Introducing Platform as a Service
Introducing Software as a Service
Explaining Cloud Elements


1 a. List the factors responsible for the increasing importance of BI in organisations.
b. What are the obstacles in Implementing BI in Organisations
a. Listing the factors responsible for increasing importance of BI in organization
b. explaining the obstacles faced while implementing BI in organization
2 a. Discuss the contribution of business analytics in strategy management
b. How is CRM linked to business intelligence?
a. Various contributions of business analytics in strategy management
b. How the CRM linked to business intelligence
3 Explain the data mining process in detail
Figure to datamining process
Explanation of the process
4 Relate between BI tools and relationship marketing strategy with
Relationship between BI tools and relationship marketing strategy
Some example
5 What are the main features of a financial reporting system
Atleast 10 features
6 Discuss the various critical challenges that need to be overcome for BI to succeed within an organisation
Listing the critical challenges


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