Thursday, 2 October 2014

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BT0065, C Programming and Data Structures
11. Compute the values of a and b:
int a;
int b;
a. What value does the variable b have after ALL of the code above executes?
b. What value does the variable a have after ALL of the code above executes?
2. Compute the values of X and Y.
int x;
int y;
int z;
z = ++x * y++;
a. What value does the variable z have after ALL of the code above executes?
b. What value does the variable y have after ALL of the code above executes?
2 Write a program and draw a flowchart to print 1 to 100 all natural numbers.
3 Explain while and do-while statement with an example.
4Distinguish library functions and user defined functions.
5 Convert the following infix expressions into postfix showing stack status at each step.
1. a+b*c-d/e*f
2. a+(b*c) –d
6 What is spanning tree? Explain Prim’s algorithm for minimum spanning tree.

BT0068, Computer Organization and Architecture
1Perform the following conversions:
1. (11 101 110)2 = ()8
2. ( 1110 0010 1111) 2 = ()16
3. ( 85)10 = ()2
4. ( 10101)2 = ()10
5. (111.001)2 = ()8
2 Differentiate between primary memory and secondary memory.
3 Explain CPU organization of 8085 microprocessor with diagram.
4 Explain fundamental Computer Architectures.
5 Explain direct and associative mapping functions.
6Explain any five addressing modes with example.

BT0069, Discrete Mathematics
1A bit is either 0 or 1: a byte is a sequence of 8 bits. Find the number of bytes that,
(a)can be formed
(b)begin with 11 and end with 11
(c)begin with 11 and do not end with 11
(d)begin with 11 or end with 11.
2 Solve the recurrence relation ar -7ar-1 + l0ar-2 = 0 for n ³ 2 given that a0 = 10, a1 = 41 using generating functions.
3 Show that R ® S can be derived from the premises P ® (Q ® S), ~ R Ú P and Q.
4 (i) Define Poset
(ii) Let n be a positive integer and Dn denotes the set of all divisors of n. Consider the partial order ‘divides’ in Dn. Draw the Hasse diagrams for D6,, D24 and D30 .
5 If f is a homomorphism of G into G1 with kernal K, then prove that K is a normal subgroup of G.
6 (i) State the rules of inference
(ii) Consider the following statements:
All men are selfish, All kings are men. Prove that all kings are selfish.

BT0070, Operating Systems
1What do you mean by batch operating system? Explain advantages and disadvantages of it.
2 Why do we need threads in designing of OS? Describe similarity and differences between processes and threads.
3 Explain process state with diagram.
4Explain the concept of paging with the help of an example.
5 Explain any two basic architectures for multiprocessor interconnections.
6 Explain the methods of directory implementation.

BT0071, Technical Communication
1Explain meaning of technical writers and also explain its role.
2 What is Audience Analysis? Explain its significance in Technical Communication.
3 Explain any five things that are needed to be kept in mind before interview.

BT0072, Computer Networks
1What is Computer networking? Explain LAN and WAN.
2 How do you Implement packet switching? Briefly explain.
3 What is the function of data link layer? Explain the services of the data link layer.
4 Explain sliding window protocol.
5 Discuss any two design issues of Session Layer.
6 Explain the types of modes on which IPSec operates.

BT0086, Mobile Computing
1 Explain the three basic communication modes.
2 What do you mean by frequency division multiple access (FDMA)? Discuss channel considerations and influence of antenna height in FDMA.
3 What do you mean by virtual LANs? Explain that how multicast is done in IPV6 protocol.
4 List the routing protocols. Explain Fisheye and hierarchical state routing .
5 Explain BCH, CCCH, DCCH control channels.
6 Write short notes on:
a. wireless routing protocol
b. global state routing

BT0087, WML and WAP Programming
1 Draw and explain the diagram of WAP architecture.
2 What is the need of script in WML? Discuss briefly the WML script language rules.
3 Explain Naming convention for WMLScripts and Characteristics of the functions in WML scripts.
BT0088- Cryptography and Network Security
1What is the need for security? Explain types of security attacks.
2 List substitution techniques. Explain Ceaser’s cipher.
3 Explain in brief types of encryption systems.
4 Explain authentication header with necessary diagrams.
5 Explain the processing of Encrypted E-Mail
6 Explain characteristics of good security policy.

1 Define E-Commerce. List any eight benefits of E-Commerce
2Explain four primary function of Portal. Also its give advantages.
3 Brief the following
a. Telnet
b. POP
4 What are the features of Knowledge Management Tools? Explain Knowledge Management Strategies for Different Organizations?
5 Discuss any five modern payment systems
6 Define supply chain management? Explain any four major functions of supply chain management.

BT9003, Data Storage management
1 What do you mean by data protection? Discuss about the techniques to consider when developing a data protection strategy.
2 Discuss in detail about the network storage architectures.
3 Explain SCSI Logical Units and Asymmetrical communications in SCSI.
4 Explain techniques for switch based virtualization with necessary diagram.
5 Explain in brief heterogeneous mirroring with necessary diagram.
6 Discuss Disk-to-disk-to-tape (D2D2T) technology in brief.

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