Thursday, 2 October 2014


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1 How would you distinguish between a management decision problem and a management research problem? Do all decision problems require research? Explainand illustrate with examples.
2 How are research designs classified? What are the distinguishing features of each? Differentiate by giving appropriate examples.
Meaning of Research designs
Classification and features
3 Discuss with the help of examples the four key levels of measurement. Whatmathematical operations/statistical techniques are and are not permissible on datafrom each type of scale?
Meaning of Measurement scales
Types of Measurement scales with examples
Mathematical operations/statistical techniques
4 Processing of data involves editing, coding, classifying and tabulating. Explain each of these steps by taking an appropriate example.
5 Distinguish between the following:
a. Null hypothesis and Alternative hypothesis
b. One tailed and two tailed tests
c. Type I and Type II error
d. One way and two way analysis of variance
e. Descriptive and inferential analysis of data
6 a. What is Chi-square test of goodness of fit? What precautions are necessary while applying this test? Point out its role in business decision making.
b. Two research workers classified some people in income groups on the basis ofsampling studies. Their results are as follow:
Investigators Income groups Total
Poor Middle Rich
A 160 30 10 200
B 140 120 40 300
Total 300 150 50 500
Show that the sampling technique of atleast one research worker is defective.
Formula/Solution/Interpretation to the problem

MB0051-Legal Aspects of Business
1 “Discharge refers to the termination of contractual relationship between the parties”. Explain the statement along with different modes of discharging acontract.
Explanation of service positioning
Explanation of modes
2 Explain the meaning of Power of Attorney, its types and clause related to registration.
3 Explain the procedure of registration of partnership firms.
Explanation 10 10
4 What are the circumstances under which breach of condition is treated as breach of warranty?
Explanation 10 10
5 Explain the procedure for filing a complaint and admission of complaint inconsumer protection act.
Filing a complaint
Admission of complaint
6 Write short notes on:
a) Shares and its classification
b) Meetings and its classification
a) Meaning and classification
b) Meaning and classification

1 What do you mean by Manpower Planning? Describe the various stages & obstacles involved in Manpower Planning.
Definition of Manpower Planning
Explain the various stages involved in Manpower Planning
Explain the obstacles in Manpower Planning
2 Define Resourcing Strategy. Explain the components of Resourcing Strategy.
Definition of Resourcing Strategy
Explanation of all the components of Resourcing Strategy
3 Explain the Selection process undertaken by an organization.
Listing out the steps in selection process
Explanation of the steps in the selection process
4 Define Career Planning Process .Describe the various factors involved in Career
Planning Process
Definition of Career Planning Process
Explanation of the various factors involved in career planning process
5 As an HR, you are asked to focus on the Talent Development Process in your organization .How would you define Talent Development? Explain the necessity ofTalent Development from an HR perspective. Explain the model for achievingexcellence in Talent Development
Definition of Talent Development
Explain the necessity of Talent Development
Factors responsible for achieving Talent Development 3
6 What are the key HR elements practiced by HR managers in decision making?
Explain any five of them
Explanation of any five key HR elements in decision making

MU0011 – Management and Organizational Development
1 Define Organizational Development (OD).What are the characteristics of OD?
Definition of Organizational Development
Explain the characteristics of OD
2 As an HR, you find that the OD professional in your organization is not competent enough. What are the competencies you will consider in a good OD professional?
Explain any ten competencies required for OD professional
3 What are the characteristics of OD intervention? Explain the Six Box Model in OD.
Describing the characteristics of OD intervention
Explaining the Six Box Model in OD
4 What is Performance Appraisal? What are the purposes and characteristics of Performance Appraisal? Describe the steps in Performance Appraisal System.
Definition of Performance Appraisal
Describing the purposes of Performance Appraisal
Describing the characteristics of Performance Appraisal
Explanation of the steps in Performance Appraisal System
5 Describe the impact of Technology in Organizational Development (OD).What are the benefits of using Technology in the field of OD?
Analyzing the impact of Technology in OD
Explaining the benefits of using Technology in OD
6 Write short notes :
a) Senge’s Approach
b)Nonaka And Takeuchi’s Approach
Explanation of Senge’s Approach
Explanation of Nonaka and Takeuchi’s Approach

MU0012 – Employee Relations Management
1 Employees are the most important resource for any company. What do you mean by Employee Relations Management? Explain the different Employee RelationsManagement Tools applied in organizations
Definition of Employee Relations Management
Explaining the Employee Relations Management Tools
2 As an HR of a Company, you are asked to focus on the causes of Grievance and the Grievance handling procedure.What according to you are the reasons of Grievance?Explain the pre-requisites you will consider while addressing Grievance handlingprocedure
Explain the causes of Grievance
Describe the essential pre-requisites of a Grievance Handling procedure
3 List and explain the various types of Disciplinary problems existing in anorganization
Listing of the Disciplinary problems
Explaining all the Disciplinary problems
4 Discuss the Collective Bargaining Process and its issues
Explaining the Collective Bargaining process
Explaining the Collective Bargaining issues
5 What is a Trade Union and What are its activities? Explain the functions of Trade Unions.
Meaning of Trade Union
Describing the activities of Trade Unions
Explaining the Functions of Trade Unions
6 Write a brief note on the following Acts :
a) Indian Trade Unions Act,1926
b)Employee State Insurance Act,1948
Indian Trade Unions Act,1926
Employee State Insurance Act,1948

MU0013 –HR Audit
1 Write a note on the major Human Resource Development (HRD) Strategies.
Explanation of the major HRD strategies 10
2 Suppose you have joined as an HR and you are asked to carry out the HR Audit process in your organization. What are the methods you will consider while implementing the HRAudit process?
Explain the methods involved in the HR Audit process 10
3 What are the areas of HR Audit? Explain any four of them
Listing the areas of HR Audit.
Explaining any four of them.
4 What do you mean by HR Scorecard? Explain the steps undertaken to approach a Human Resource Scorecard.
Definition of HR Scorecard
Explaining the steps in HR Scorecard Approach
5 Write a brief note on the effectiveness of Human Resource Development Audit as an intervention.
Explaining the Effectiveness of Human Resource Development Audit as an intervention
6 Write short notes on the following:
a)Balanced Scorecard
b)Competency Mapping
Balanced Scorecard 5 10
Competency Mapping 5

1 Give the meaning forward markets. Explain its features, arbitrage in forward markets,forward markets hedging and speculation in forward markets.
Meaning of forward markets
Features, arbitrage in forward markets
Forward markets hedging
Speculation in forward markets
2 Explain the interest rate parity theory and purchasing power parity with examples.
Interest rate parity theory with examples
Purchasing power parity theory with examples
3 Explain the cash concentration strategies and cash management structures.
Cash concentration strategies
Cash management structures
4 A particular method is used depending upon the circumstances and the legal accounting procedures adopted in a particular country. Explain all the translationmethods.
Current rate method
Current /non current method
Monetary method
Temporal method
5 International credit markets are the forum where companies and governments can obtain credit. Bring out your understanding on international credit markets andexplain the two very important aspects of international credit market. Refer and giveone example.
Introduction of international credit market
Explanation of syndicated loans with example
Explanation of External Commercial Borrowings (ECB)
6 Explain the principles of taxation and double taxation. Give some important points on tax havens and its types.
Explanation on principles of taxation
Explanation on double taxation
Explanation on tax havens and its types

IB0011– International Marketing
1 Discuss the different management orientations of a company. How does it affect international marketing?
Management orientations
Effect on international marketing
2 It is very important to analyze the politico- legal environment of a country in international business. Comment.
Discuss the statement
3 Compare GATT and WTO and discuss the implications of WTO on international marketing.
Implications of WTO
4 Nestle is marketing bottled water to Pakistan. Which segmentation it adopts thereand what are the other international market segmentations?
Nestle’s segmentation
Bases of segmentation
5 Write short notes on:
a) International packaging
b) International logistics planning
a) role and problems with packaging
b) meaning and components of logistics
6 Select a product of your choice for export and explain how you will do the pricing and costing of that product.
Choosing the product
Export pricing and costing

IB0012 – Management of Multinational Corporations
Q.No Questions Marks Total Marks
1 Macro environmental forces are uncontrollable as compared to micro forces.
Discuss how they impact international business?
Different environments and their impact
2 Discuss the following theories of international trade:
a) Heckscher- ohlin theory
b) Porter’s theory
a) Heckscher- ohlin theory
b) Porter’s theory
3 Discuss the challenges and opportunities of International management.
Challenges and opportunities
4 Compare the management styles in India and Japan.
Management styles in India
Management styles in Japan
5 Explain the scope of comparative management
Comparative management’s scope
6 Write short notes on:
a)International advertising
b)Transfer pricing
a) meaning and role of international advertising
b) meaning and usage of transfer pricing

IB0013 –Export Import management
1 Discuss the motives and problems of international business.
2 What are the various modes of payment by the importer? Discuss.
Payment by importer
3 List the Principal and auxiliary export documents. Explain any two auxiliary export documents.
Explaining 2 documents
4 What is bill of entry? Discuss its features.
5 How can the transit risk be mitigated in export import? Explain.
Transit risk and its coverage
6 Write short notes on:
a) EXIM bank of India
b)RBI guidelines on post shipment finance
a) Role and benefits of Exim bank
b) list RBI guidelines for post shipment finance

1 Write short notes on :
 Operations as Transformation Systems
 Opportunity Cost
 Flexible manufacturing
[Operations as Transformation Systems
Opportunity Cost
 Flexible manufacturing]
2 Soha Limited, which is one of the foremost manufacturers of textile handicrafts in North India, realised the growing demand for its products in South India. It planned to set anew production facility at a suitable location. It started considering many suitablelocations for this purpose. The management started collecting relevant data about themajor cities and states where they can set up their company. They also consideredfactors like location, cost and potential. Finally, Factor rating method was used to find asuitable state and Centre of gravity method was used to find a suitable location for theirplanned business operations. The analysis had a wide variety of factors based on theinformation and experience in the field. Considerable weightage was given for everyfactor in the analysis. After considering the result of the analysis, ‘Munnar’ in Kerala was selected for their business operation in South India. Kerala had abundant raw materialand the cost of the land was also affordable. Kerala was also at a very favourabledistance for their operations. These all factors made Kerala the most favourable placefor manufacturing the textile industry.What according to you might have been the factors that the company considered beforedeciding Kerala as its centre for business operations? In which way would theproductivity be affected if the location decision was taken in haste?(unit 6)
[Listing of factors that the companymight have considered before decidingKerala as its centre
 Assessment of these factors
 Interpretation of how the productivity could be affected if the location decisionwas taken in haste]
3 Write short notes on :
 Workforce productivity
 Importance of material handling
 Crosby’s Absolutes of Quality
 Difficulties in Formulating Operations Strategy
[Workforce productivity
 Importance of material handlingCrosby’s
 Absolutes of Quality
 Difficulties in Formulating OperationsStrategy]
4 Elucidate lean operations in service industry.
[outline lean operations in serviceindustry (including examples, idea oflean operations,)
 description of lean techniques in serviceindustry]
5 Explain two different Independent demand item techniques.
[Explanation of
 Reorder point (or Perpetual) Model
 Periodic review models]
6 What are the types of failures that occur in operations?
[A Description of
 Design failures
 Facilities failures
 Staff failures
 Supplier failures]

1 a. Discuss about ERP software selection criteria.
b. What is improper ERP system selection? Explain in detail
Aa. Explaining the ERP software selectioncriteria
b. Explaining the improper ERP system selection
2 a) Discuss the components of Customer Relationship Management.
b) Explain the different modules of R/3
Aa. Explaining the 4 different component of CRM
b. Explaining atleast 6 modules 6
3 a. Consider two organisational environment in which one of the organisation ishaving no or little communication between departments and the other organisation where all the departments know what the others are doing. Now which environment is considered to be better and why?
b. Explain integrated Management of integration.
Aa. identifying which environment 2
explaining the reasons 4 10
b. explanation of integrated Management of information
4 A business products distributor was manually processing over 300,000 customer orders eachyear. Heavy order flow prior to shipping cut-off timeframes and a highly variable daily volume created staffing challenges and inconsistent order turnaround times.Despite an effort to process customer orders via EDI, the company continued to receive over20,000 orders per month via fax and email requiring manual data entry. Customer ServiceAssociates in three different centres manually entered the orders into the order managementsystem with the added pressure of meeting a shipping deadline. As any manual single-passdata entry process there were many errors, especially during peak processing cycles.Due to a complex product catalogue, variety of order types received from customers, and thelarge customer base, finding and training data entry specialists was a challenge. Fluctuatingdaily order volumes made maintaining appropriate staffing levels very difficult. During peakdemand periods order processing lags would greatly decrease customer satisfaction levels.To solve all these problems the company implemented an outsourced automatic data entrysolution with sophisticated “free-form” data extraction for their fax and email orders. Thesolution was able to recognise and capture data from any customer order format with 99.5%accuracy. Order input no longer requires the participation of the company’s order entrystaff, which has reduced labour costs. The solution also receives fax and email orders onbehalf of the company directly from customers and converts the hardcopy order to an EDIelectronic purchase order for the order management systems.The solution includes a customised web-based portal to support exception processing and asecure web tool for archiving and storing images of all of the original order documents. Thesolution is completely accessible on demand from any of the company’s workstations. Thesolution was fully operational within 90 days and required zero capital investments inhardware, software or labour on the part of the company.
a. What are the challenges that the company faced before the installation of the Data Entrysolution?
b. What are the benefits of the Automatic Data Entry solution?
A a. Listing the Challenges 5 10
b. Listing the benefits 5
5 Write short notes on
a. Gap Analysis
b. Reduction of lead time
c. BAAN company
d. End users
e. ERP trends
A a. Explaining 2 10
b. Explaining reduction of lead time 2
c. Explaining about BAAN company 2
d. Explaining End users 2
e. Explaining ERP trends 2
6 Describe in detail the workflow of HRM that deploys ERP systems with a neat diagram
A Diagram 3
Listing the different sub modules 2 10
Explaining 5

1 What are the different factors affecting transportation decisions? (unit 2)
A Description/outline of different following factors and its sub factors in students own words
 Carriers
o Vehicle related cost
o Fixed operating cost
o Trip related cost
o Quantity related cost
o Overhead cost
 Customers
o Transportation cost
o Inventory cost
o Facility cost
o Processing cost
o Service level and fast delivery
2 Write short notes on risk pooling (unit 4)
A  description of risk pooling
 importance of risk pooling in SCM
 listing and summarization(along with suitable examples for each) of fourtypes of risk pooling
 Location pooling
 Product pooling
 Lead time pooling
 Capacity pooling
3 Read the following case study and answer the questions given the end of the case study
Best Supplier Relationship Management: Jaguar Land Rover and Gobel& PartnerJaguar Land Rover production line
8 October 2013 | CIPS Supply Management Awards 2013
“Jaguar Land Rover (JLR) transformed its position in customer satisfaction surveys andenhanced the quality of its products through an innovative partnership with a keysupplier.
By re-evaluating the way it deals with quality control and suppliers, Jaguar took top spotin the 2012 JD Power Survey for customer satisfaction and Land Rover raced up thechart. In 2008, the survey put Jaguar at nine and Land Rover at 34 for quality,described by JLR as “clearly an unsatisfactory situation” for a premium brand and statedthat “something had to change”.
Component quality was identified as the key issue – for some suppliers the proportion ofrejected parts was as high as 65 per cent – and some finished vehicles were being putinto ‘containment’ due to faulty components. This had knock-on effects includingdelayed customer shipments, production line stoppages that cost £2,000 per minute andthe risk that faulty parts could make their way into completed vehicles.At the time, JLR was working with 16 different suppliers across three factories toundertake parts rework and containment, resulting in differing quality regimes and aninability to share data across the company. As a result, there was no single view of anygiven supplier’s quality history, which made preventative action impossible. A new director of quality was appointed who launched a review of quality across the supplychain that identified potential improvements that could be made to the inspection ofincoming components from suppliers. The Inbound Materials Project was establishedand the 16 suppliers dealing with quality control were reduced to one – Gobel& Partner(G&P) – who saw it as an opportunity to introduce innovations and boost investment inits Qtrak quality management system, which totals £2 million to date.This evolved into a partnership between JLR and G&P. Both realised that preventionwas better than cure, and through Qtrak they could identify the component supplierscausing the most problems. Those with a recurrent history of reject parts were subject to a more rigorous inspection regime. G&P’s aim is to ensure no faulty part ever arrives atJLR production facilities and they now work on the premises of high-risk suppliers toreview quality processes. The firm is also working at JLR’s new plant in China to ensurethe right quality approach is in place from the beginning.
Over six years, the relationship between the firms has evolved from a traditionaladversarial situation, where G&P were treated as one of a number of commoditysuppliers, to one where the two are working to the same goal of “bringing premiumquality to premium brands”.WolframLeidtke, JLR board quality director, said: “JLR is apremium brand and accordingly needs to have premium quality vehicles. Procurementhas aligned with this objective. G&P has been able to transfer their global knowledgeand work with JLR to develop a new approach to incoming material quality and theresults are starting to speak for themselves.’ ”
Illustrate the role quality played as criteria in JLR choosing its supplier Gobel& Partner.
Explain the importance of Gobel& Partner in the supply chain(unit 6)
A Students should illustrate based on:
 How critical is component quality to JLR
 What were the effects of bad quality
 What were the issues JLR had to tackleto working with 16 suppliers
 The steps taken by JLR to improvequalityImportance of the supplier
4 “MTR Foods, the Bangalore-based food processing company, is planning to utilise theservices of a third party manufacturer for the first time. The contracted plant in Mathurafor producing vermicelli is expected to give it a push in the northern and eastern marketswhere it is trying to expand its presence. The company is also planning a capacityexpansion in spices.
MTR has nine plants in Bommasandra Industrial Area in Bangalore which caters to itsproduct categories like spices and masala, beverages, vermicelli and frozen food. Thecompany has so far produced its brands inhouse.
‘The plant in Mathura would help us supply to the north and eastern parts of the country.It would help us source wheat faster and also trim freight costs by 6-7 per cent,’ saidSanjay Sharma, chief executive officer, MTR Foods.”
Which according to you may then be distribution strategy used by MTR? Justify your answer (unit 8)
A  Explanation on the facts fitting thestrategy
 Identification of the strategy
 Rationale behind choosing the strategy
 Conclusion
5 Explain any four direct benefits of outsourcing with examples. (unit 10)
A any four of the following benefits(reason whythis is a benefit , description of the benefit andexample)
 Focusing on core competency
 Reducing the expenses ofmanufacturing and logistics services
 Reducing the head count of hourlyemployees and management
 Improving the accuracy
 Improving flexibility and wider range ofservices
 Getting access to global networks and better technology
 Improving services
 Improving quality
 Reducing capital investment and increasing cash flow
6 Describe the supplier integration approach.(unit 12)
Explanation of the stages of supplier integration with suitable examples
 None
 White box
 Gray box
 Black box

1 Write short notes on the following:
 Types of Operational Strategies
 Current Trends in Operations Management
 Types of benchmarking
 Automated assembly lines
A  Types of Operational Strategies\
 Current Trends in Operations Management
 Types of benchmarking
 Automated assembly lines
2 Describe Computer-Aided Manufacturing(CAM)
A Description of CAM including :
 What is CAM
 Applications of CAM
 Benefits of CAM
 Problems of CAM
3 What are the different applications of Just In Time.
A Listing of application
Discussion on the application
4 Organization: Fortune solutions
The market place for pharmaceutical companies is highly competitive. As a result there is a need for a flexible, accurate and responsive global planning process to support thekey factors of rapid time to market, rapid response to demand changes, low costs. Eachsupply chain had developed its own Sales Operations planning (SOP) process making itdifficult to combine and form a global view of demand and supply and to maximise salesopportunities. The requirement was to create a standard SOP process to be used at allthe supply chains, incorporating company and industry best practice.The solution for this problem was developed as follows: A workshop analysed all SOPmodels used within the company and compared these with business requirements andbest practice. As a result of combined SOP models, the organisation was able todevelop a best fit SOP model that could be rolled out across the company.The workshop produced a detailed documentation which described about inputs,meeting agendas and attendees, outputs, key performance indicators for each stage ofthe process.A simulation of the full SOP model was developed that enabled final designimprovements to be made and training of process participants and key stakeholders.This allowed a successful implementation plan to be developed. Upon implementing, theprocess was tried on trial run for a period of 4 months to facilitate fine tuning. Theresulting SOP model was then rolled out across the company to achieve full benefits.The rapid implementation of a standardised SOP process gave immediate benefits tothe fortune solutions in terms of:
 Increased customer service level and superior product availability.
 Reduced costs from higher resource utilisation, reduced waste.
 Improved cash flow due to optimized inventory and improved schedule adherence.
Give the reason for developing a standardized SOP process. How was thesolution developed ? What are the benefits of a standardized SOP process
A  Reasons for developing a standardized
SOP process
 Description of the development of the solution
 benefits
5 What is new product development? Explain the impact of internet on new product development.
A Definition of new product development, how is it driven
Description of the impact of internet on newproduct development (how it is freeingdevelopers to generate ideas, example/s)
6 Write short notes on the following:
V4L Principles
Demand management
A V4L Principles
Demand management

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