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1. Explain the goals of international financial management. Give complete explanation on Gold Standard 1876-1913. List down the advantages and disadvantages of Gold Standard.
[Goals of international financial management
Introduction of Gold Standard
Advantages and disadvantages]
2. Give an introduction on capital account with its sub-categories. Discuss about capital account convertibility.
[Introduction on capital account
Sub-categories on capital account
Explanation on Capital account convertibility]
3. Explain the concept of Swap. Write down its features and various types of interest rate swap.
[Introduction of Swap
Features of swap
Various types of interest rate swap]
4. Elaborate on measuring exchange rate movements. Explain the factors that influence exchange rates.
[Measuring exchange rate movement- introduction
Interest rate differentials
Focus on demand supply model
Economic factors
Political conditions]
5. Write short notes on:
International Credit Markets
International Bond Markets
[International Credit Markets
International Bond Markets]
6. Country risk is the risk of investing in a country, where a change in the business environment adversely affects the profit or the value of the assets in a specific country.
Explain the country risk factors and assessment of risk factors.
[Introduction of country risk factors
Explanation of assessment of risk factors]
IB0011– International Marketing
1. Discuss the different management orientations of a company. How does it affect international marketing?
[Management orientations
Effect on international marketing]
2. It is very important to analyze the politico- legal environment of a country in international business. Comment.
[Discuss the statement]
3. Compare GATT and WTO and discuss the implications of WTO on international marketing.
Implications of WTO]
4. Nestle is marketing bottled water to Pakistan. Which segmentation it adopts there and what are the other international market segmentations?
[Nestle’s segmentation
Bases of segmentation]
5. Write short notes on:
a) International packaging
b) International logistics planning
[a) role and problems with packaging
b) meaning and components of logistics]
6. Select a product of your choice for export and explain how you will do the pricing and costing of that product.
[Choosing the product
Export pricing and costing]
IB0012 – Management of Multinational Corporations
1. Macro environmental forces are uncontrollable as compared to micro forces. Discuss how they impact international business?
[Different environments and their impact]
2. Discuss the following theories of international trade:
a) Heckscher- ohlin theory
b) Porter’s theory
[a) Heckscher- ohlin theory
b) Porter’s theory]
3. Discuss the challenges and opportunities of International management.
[Challenges and opportunities]
4. Compare the management styles in India and Japan.
[Management styles in India
Management styles in Japan]
5. Explain the scope of comparative management
[Comparative management’s scope]
6. Write short notes on:
a)International advertising
b)Transfer pricing
[a) meaning and role of international advertising
b) meaning and usage of transfer pricing]
IB0013 –Export Import Management
1. Discuss the motives and problems of international business.
2. What are the various modes of payment by the importer? Discuss.
[Payment by importer]
3. List the Principal and auxiliary export documents. Explain any two auxiliary export documents.
Explaining 2 documents]
4. What is bill of entry? Discuss its features.
5. How can the transit risk be mitigated in export import? Explain.
[Transit risk and its coverage]
6. Write short notes on:
a) EXIM bank of India
b)RBI guidelines on post shipment finance
a) Role and benefits of Exim bank
b) list RBI guidelines for post shipment finance]
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